Green Transition: Challenges and Opportunities
Green Transition: Challenges and Opportunities with Niclas Mårtensson, CEO of Stena Line.
Note: in our press release, we stated that CEO of Stena AB Dan Sten Olsson was invited to speak. As he was needed elsewhere, we are pleased to announce that CEO of Stena Line Niclas Mårtesson will replace Mr Olsson.
How to become a memory master – så fick mitt TED Talk 10 miljoner visningar
Idriz Zogaj är den första svensken att tävla i minne när han deltog på World Memory Championship 2004. Sedan dess har han inspirerat människor med sin kunskap om hur hjärnan fungerar och hur var och en kan träna upp sitt minne.
Idriz grundade det Svenska Minnesförbundet och på meritlistan finns bland annat VM-guld och VM-silver. För drygt tio år sedan deltog Idriz i TEDxGöteborg. Sedan dess har hans TED Talk setts över 10 miljoner gånger på Youtube.
TEDxGöteborg håller i år öppna auditions på Frihamnsdagarna för att hitta framtida talare. Alla är välkomna att anmäla sig.
Idriz Zogaj kommer att inleda TEDxGöteborgs pass med att bjuda på en uppdaterad version av sitt TED Talk live. Efteråt har du som besökare möjlighet att ställa frågor. Vill du själv delta på audition kan du också passa på att få tips från Idriz.

TEDxGöteborg open auditions
Calling all creative minds from across the region! Do you have a fantastic idea to share with the world? Have you ever dreamed of doing your own TED Talk? On Saturday September 2nd, TEDxGöteborg will be holding open auditions on a Frihamnsdagarna stage!
TEDxGöteborg has been active in Gothenburg since 2009, created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and discover ”ideas worth spreading”. We believe that sharing ideas can change attitudes, lives, and ultimately our world.
We draw our speakers from an incredible regional talent pool, who come from any discipline, challenge the norms, and think both locally and globally. We’ve reached thousands in our live audiences and over twenty-five million have viewed our resulting videos.
EVERYONE is welcome! All auditions must be in English, delivered in less than 5 minutes, with advanced registration recommended via the TEDxGöteborg website. We can’t wait to meet you!
Auditions will begin at 12.00 and wrap-up at 15.00.

The Green Corridor as a Tool to Accelerate Decarbonization
Maritime shipping is the backbone of international trade and carries over 80% of the volume of trade in goods. It also accounts for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Legal structures to incentivize the transition to sustainable shipping are coming into place. Key stakeholders are looking at ways to build a business case for sustainable maritime transport.
In October 2022, the Port of Gothenburg and the Port of Rotterdam signed a memorandum of understanding for a green corridor by finding ways to stimulate the use of new alternative fuels. What has happened since? Can we learn from best practices taken from existing green corridors? And can maritime green corridors become an important tool to accelerate decarbonization in the maritime transport sector?
Port of Gothenburg and Port of Rotterdam share their insights.

Building a Business Case for Sustainable Maritime Transport
Maritime shipping is the backbone of international trade and carries over 80% of the volume of trade in goods. It also accounts for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Legal structures to incentivize the transition to sustainable shipping are coming into place. But what are some of the challenges that key stakeholders experience today? What are the costs involved and how can the burden be shared? What are some incentives needed to take first steps?
During this Sustainable Maritime Transport Forum, we bring together ports, shipowners, cargo owners and regulatory authorities to discuss the state of play in the transition to sustainable shipping.

The Impact of EU’s Fit for 55 on the Maritime Sector
Maritime shipping is the backbone of international trade and carries over 80% of the volume of trade in goods. It also accounts for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Legal structures to incentivize the transition to sustainable shipping are coming into place. The EU is well underway to adopt the Fit for 55 package, containing proposals that set intra-EU shipping on the pathway to complete decarbonization by 2050.
What does the Fit for 55 package entail for actors in the maritime transport industry that operate in the EU? Does it create sufficient incentives to initiate the development of new fuels and technologies before 2030?
During this Sustainable Maritime Transport Forum, we will look at these questions together with experts in the field.

Getting the World on Board – the International Maritime Organization’s Sustainability Efforts
Maritime shipping is the backbone of international trade and carries over 80% of the volume of trade in goods. It also accounts for 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Legal structures to incentivize the transition to sustainable shipping are coming into place. The EU is well underway to adopt the Fit for 55 package, containing proposals that set intra-EU shipping on the pathway to complete decarbonization by 2050. Meanwhile, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced a rating system as a stimulus to reduce carbon intensity, with the goal of cutting emissions from international shipping by at least half by 2050.
What are the latest developments in IMO’s greenhouse gas-strategy? Is it possible to get all countries on board with its sustainability goals? How does Fit for 55 affect what IMO is doing? And does the IMO CII regulation truly create a level playing field for shipping companies and cargo owners around the world?
During this Sustainable Maritime Transport Forum, we will look at these questions together with experts in the field.
”IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships. IMO’s work supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted and universally implemented.” (Source:

Baltic Sea trade in the 17th Century – Maritime Relations between Sweden and the Netherlands
Opening by Bengt van Loosdrecht, Ambassador for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sweden, on solving the global challenges of our time and the importance of a sustainable maritime transport sector.
An introduction to Baltic Sea trade in the 17th century and the maritime relations between Sweden and the Netherlands by Håkan Strömberg, Historian at the Museum of Gothenburg.
The relations between Sweden and the Netherlands go back four hundred years, when King Gustav II Adolf invited Dutch city planners and tradesmen to build Gothenburg. Since then, our countries have developed strong ties through maritime trade, industrialization and innovation. Who were the key players in these developments? What essential goods did Sweden export and what expertise did the Dutch bring? Historian Håkan Strömberg will talk us through in a concise and humorous presentation.

Accelerating Green Transition / Så kan vi accelerera den gröna omställningen

Visualisering: Daniel Hultman, White Arkitekter
Att minska byggbranschens klimatutsläpp står högt upp på mångas agenda. Seminariets mål är diskutera högeffektiva lösningar för klimatförändringar och långsiktig samexistens för att inspirera byggbranschen att arbeta tillsammans med ekologi för att föra hållbar ekonomi till alla samhällssektorer.
Under seminariet diskuterar de inbjudna talarna vad som krävs för att accelerera den gröna omställningen – med utgångspunkt i allt från ekonomiska incitament och tydliga målformuleringar till inspirerande exempel och nya arbetssätt. Det bjuds på såväl internationella utblickar som lokala exempel.
Seminariet arrangeras som ett förseminarium till IFLA World Congress, världens största årliga konferens för kollegor inom landskapsarkitektur och stadsplanering. Seminariet hålls på engelska.
Moderator: Louise Didriksson, White Arkitekter
We will discuss how we can move faster to reverse the climate change, what economic incentives can guide the construction industry to reduce emissions faster, and which ecological projects have the greatest impact.
This is a collaboration with Sveriges Arkitekter and a pre-seminar for the IFLA congress ( The seminar will be in English and can also be viewed online.
Moderated by: Louise Didriksson, White Arkitekter